Monday, January 28, 2008

To become a Clevelander...

Another emergency surgery today.
There was this patient with this gigantic ovarian tumor. It was HUGE.
There was enough hair in the tumor (a teratoma) to make a wig. The creamy yellowish liquid that came out from the tumor, splated all over the place, looked totally like the french chou a la creme (cream puff). I guess I am not eating シュークリム for another few weeks.
I went to the gym, did 30 minutes of chest, and got home around 12am.
I was very excited when I received an offering letter from Cleveland Clinic, and I guess my future is sorta set for a new course.
Well, 3 more months to go, then sayonara land of sakura. Crazy-land... here I come!


Anonymous said...

Wahaha...I remember vividly when one of my fren told me that he loss his appetite on burgers after a surgery. He was about to vomit when we decided to eat Burger Kings.

Sound interesting of your heading plan to Cleveland.Congrats for your dreams come true!

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