著名的有:The Cleve,Sixth City,C-Town,Metropolis of the Western Reserve,America's North Coast,The Forest City,The mistake by the lake, 和 DNA level C。
问题:为什么Cleveland又叫DNA level C呢?
Trivia Question:
Why is Cleveland also known as DNA level C?
迎变馆新画纪念火箭元老 家属出席推介礼感动见证
为纪念和表彰民主行动党元老领袖,对于马来西亚民主进程的奋斗及贡献,位于吉隆坡武吉加里尔的迎变馆(Theatre Impian)特别推介多幅新增画作。
1 year ago
cleveland... write from backwards of the word itself, d-n-a-l-e-v-e-l-c... right? or what? let us know later ok?
anyway will be give voucher or what if you got it right? just wondering...
That is a very cool question and answer :-D
Well done !! Ya, got any prizes ??
But why they call cleveland the mistake by the lake ??
@fufu: 恭喜你!你答对了!哇塞!你的脑筋也转得满快的。Prize:免费Cleveland一日游。包吃包住,机票自己付。LOL。
@BB2CB: Well, cleveland is a crazy city. It has the one of the largest art museum, largest theme park, 2nd biggest theather district just 2nd to Broadway, one of the finest World Class Health Institute, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but yet... it has not alot to offer. It is a confusing city. It was called "the mistake on the lake" many many years ago due to the city's financial difficulties, a notorious 1969 fire on the Cuyahoga River and its struggling professional sports teams. But now its is called a "come back city" by some. Cav is doing awesome. Well, u can wiki Cleveland and see what they say. :)
i mean what will be given from the bus company la... not from you!! of course you still need to 包吃包住 when i go to cleveland =)
of that trivia question only just for fun? with answer at the bottom right with smaller font?
@fufu:unfortunetaly NOT. LOL. I guess it is just for fun. Well, like I said, u won the prize... 包吃包住OK.
Wow。。BB2CB。。How come you get that ?? :P
Cool, I will know that when I go visit then !!包吃包住多久啊?很喜欢BB2CB!!哈哈
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